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Fire Alarm Ceiling Speaker Description


AW-SP01 small ceiling speaker is used for emergency voice evacuation panel. This speaker is a standalone public audio system for emergency evacuation. When get alarm input from other fire alarm system or security alarm system, it can play the pre-recorded audio track to the speakers automatically. It also can broadcast the microphone real time sound, or other line in sound. 

Technical Specification

Power   3/6W
Sensitivity   91dB 
Input voltage 70-110V 
Frequency response  90-16KHz 
Diameter 190mm 
Opening    165mm

Fire Alarm Ceiling Speaker

  • The role of ceiling speakers is much greater than we imagined. In addition to the general broadcast information release, in dangerous emergencies, such as when a fire occurs, the effective information provided by ceiling speakers can often save many lives

  • AW-SP01>

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